Dr. Thomas Gartenmann

Managing Partner
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I am passionate about designing and guiding transformational programs, and I marvel at the joy that psychological insights, presence and trust-based connections can bring. I also coach executives and help them (re)discover their purpose and their zest for life.

My aim is to facilitate the transformation of individuals, teams and organizations so as to develop greater self-awareness, a stronger sense of purpose and stronger, more trustful connections; this helps people to experience their lives as more meaningful, and inspires them to create greater impact for their organizations and communities.
My most frequent client feedback: I bring clarity, I’m inspirational and playful.

Before aergon

I started my working life as a research and teaching assistant in chemistry before joining the business world, where I enjoyed a career of 17 years with The Boston Consulting Group. At BCG I was also responsible for recruiting in Switzerland.
Since 2005 I have been working as a transformational facilitator and coach in Europe, America and Asia, mainly for Swiss and German companies, while managing around 20 employees. During this time I also taught the psychology course ‘Strategy in Action’ at the Executive School of the University of St. Gallen (HSG) for several years, and co-authored the book ‘Transforming Leaders’ (Haufe 2010).
I hold a PhD and a Master of Science in Chemistry and Education from the University of Zurich, and an MBA from INSEAD (88). I am certified as a systemic coach with the IFW in Munich (1998) and have completed several leadership programs and courses on cognitive and behavioral psychology in the US and UK. I am a member of the International Positive Psychology Association (IPPA).

Beyond aergon

I live in Switzerland, near Zurich, with my wife, Annika, and our daughter and two sons. I love being in the mountains, meditating, traveling with my family and singing in an a capella choir called B-Live. I am a member of the Foundation Board of the Schweizerische Studienstiftung, President of the Assessment & Personal Support Committee and ‘Crisis Coach’.




aergon team

aergon gives transformational momentum to inspiring leaders and outstanding organizations. We are devoted to transforming individuals, teams and organizations, enabling them to discover and sustain excitement about who they are and why they exist.

About us

  • ... the results are clear: a 300%+ increase in EBIT over 5 years, while still providing the market with the same again in fee reductions   ... more

    Thomas Zeeb, Head Securities & Exchanges SIX Group AG


  • aergon has worked with us on global big events creating successfully transformational momentum and an impact for groups of up to180 participants  ... more

    Prisca Hafner, Global Head HR Oerlikon Surface Solutions

  • Coaching with aergon has been an intensive, inspiring encounter with myself, one of the most precious building blocks in my personal development   ... more

    Joern Graf, Director Business Intelligence LSI, Lonza AG

  • ... aergon’s insights and approach were instrumental in surfacing and dealing with obstacles which has facilitated team cohesion and engagement   ... more

    Angela Lukin, Global President Hospital Business, Pfizer

  • Intensive workshops and discussions create clarity, provide direction and transform sustainably our model of the world  ... more

    Dr. Markus Leibundgut, CEO Swiss Life Switzerland